With the smiles and personality, Rosa became fun, almost overnight. Of course it wasn't all fun and games, but hanging out with her started to be more interactive. I remember this was the month I started out putting her under a mobile and she would wiggle her arms and legs and probably accidentally knock the little animals around, but that's how babies start to learn what they can do, apparently. By the end of the third month, I would put her in the play gym and she could pretty consistently make contact with some of the hanging toys. Of course, with personality also comes a personal sense of style...

The other nice thing that happened this month was either that I learned Rosa's schedule, or she finally developed a schedule, that included bigger chunks of "quiet alert time" or as I now started to call it "play time." I learned that she seemed to like to eat, then "play", then sleep, and I could count on this schedule pretty consistently for another month or more. I also learned from the pediatrician that she probably wouldn't ever last more than 2 hours awake, which was a helpful guideline.
And finally, it was toward her 3-month birthday that she started rolling from side to side... not all the way from tummy to back or vice versa, but she definitely started kicking her legs up in the air more and flopping them to one side or the other, which eventually led to rolling.

Other highlights of this month included a visit from Uncle Jason, graduating from the "newborn" diaper and diaper cover size to the "regular" diaper and diaper cover, taking an infant massage class and starting almost daily massages, and lots of visits from SF friends. The 3-month birthday was celebrated with... of course - cupcakes!

Did you know that Grandpa Frank was a place kicker in high school but he didn't have any of those cute outfits that Miss Rosa is sporting around.