There were only a few major topples where she hit her head on the floor... most of the time I had pillows behind her so that wouldn't happen. But the first time it did, I reacted with concern, and she cried for a good 15 minutes. This taught me to react without appearing to show concern, at least until I could figure out if concern was warranted. After the next topple, I pulled her back up and got her interested in a toy, and there were no tears.
The other big milestone that happened during this month was that Rosa said "Mama!" On January 19th, she started saying "Ma" very emphatically, then on inauguration day, "Mama" turned on. And she even did it in front of Daddy so that there could be a witness other than Mama. Of course, given the date, she may have been trying to say "Obama!" I gotta say, it was pretty amazing to look out the window that morning and see the hipsters across the street carrying signs that said "USA! USA!"

In mid-January, we started swimming lessons with Rosa, which has been really fun! The goal is just to get her used to the pool, and the classes mostly consist of singing songs and splashing. Although the pool is warmer than a typical pool (82 degrees) the first class or two Rosa's chin was quivering after about 15 minutes. But the last few classes she has lasted the whole 30 minutes. Two classes ago, we learned how to go under water with babies, and Rosa did ok with it. The best part of swimming lessons is that it's on Saturday, so Jeff can go - he loves them!

The other activity we're doing more and more of is going to the playground. Rosa is an old pro at the swing now... doesn't need any blankets stuffed around her anymore. And she's loving the sand! She just swipes her fingers through it over and over. Of course she then tries to eat it, which I try to prevent, but one or two grains never hurt anyone.

And finally, a few pictures from Grandma Lois's visit in early January.

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