In the past couple days, real crawling has started. But it's now a choice for Rosa, who still exercises her option to do the hand-slapping commando crawl when she feels like it. I put the standard bribe (remote control) on the floor yesterday and tried to get her to crawl to it so I could take a video, but Rosa decided to commando instead, so you'll all have to wait until another day to see her crawl.
The other first that just happened is that Rosa got her first cold on Friday. It had to happen sometime! It seems like it's a fairly mild one, but it's making her snotty enough to have trouble nursing and sleeping.

The cold didn't keep us from going to the playground with the twins from downstairs today. We just kept them from chewing each others' fingers and toys.

You probably realize by now that some of us live vicariously through the Adventures of Miss Rosa? Well chop, chop, it's going on 7 days without a new cute pix of the little darling, swimming, crawling and celebrating various ocasions. How about Miss Rosa takes the Trolley!or Miss Rosa flys a kite! Just can't get enough of the rosabean.