Monday, March 8, 2010


Rosa has her first bad speaking habit. She now begins every utterance with "Um." As in "Ummm... big truck!" "Ummm... straw straw (strawberry)!" "Ummm... siren!"

Jeff finds it cute. I find it cute too, but I really want us to not encourage this. I've been trying to pay attention to how I talk and have found a few "um"s in my speech, but nothing too egregious. I've heard a few as Jeff talks too. Hopefully it will pass quickly!


  1. Danielle never did the Ummm, but Willy did for a short time. He would Ummm, (do I have your attention?). I would expect the Gettysburg Address, but was happy to hear "big truck".

    Love, Uncle Greg

  2. Rosa LOVES calling out "big trucks" right now. All the time! She even pointed out a "tiny big truck" the other day. I thought she was saying "tenny big truck" and couldn't figure it out, then when Jeff said "tiny big truck?" she was so relieved that we figured it out!
