Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some noteworthy events!

Oof. It has been a tough few weeks, getting ready for Christmas and travel, being out of our time zone and our routines (although we had a wonderful visit!), then coming back home to Eliza having an ear infection and molars coming in and not sleeping through the night since we've been back, then Rosa having either food poisoning or flu bugs twice in the last week. I have a bizillion pictures to post, but just don't have the energy tonight.

But - I just wanted to jot down a few milestones and fun observations from the past few weeks:

* learned to ride a pedal bike today! (no training wheels! we love balance bikes!) I promise video soon!
* now uses the word "like" in her speech, as in "how about we like go to the playground or something..." (somehow I was hoping she'd skip this!)
* has really been wanting to help me cook lately - lasagna, french toast, scrambled eggs, almond butter and jelly sandwiches (ok, that's not cooking, but she can make her own sandwich!), etc.

* new words: pee pee, poo poo, choo choo, beans (she says eens, just like Rosa did), oof oof (woof woof), and probably others I'm forgetting
* told me "poo poo" today, then went and sat on Rosa's little potty (with her clothes on), and sometime shortly after this did have a poopy diaper
* insists on eating with whatever utensil she can see on the table that is the most ridiculous / ineffective. Tonight she would only eat her lasagna off of a butter knife. Sigh. At least she was eating.