Oh my - it's been a long time since I've written. And that's because we've been consumed with apartment hunting. We're looking for a slightly bigger place, but our neighborhood has gotten crazy expensive in the last 5 years, and we have cold feet about moving away from our beautiful views and well-worn paths. I'm feeling pretty discouraged right now.
But this blog is supposed to be about Rosa, so let's get on with it!
What's this - Daddy holding another baby? Yes - we finally got to meet Lin and Lenny's twins, Lyla and Lander!

Lin says this is not always the case, but on the day we visited, they were perfect angels. They drank their milk and then immediately fell fast asleep... no bouncing, no nothing. Wow. Everyone was so amazed at how big Rosa was in comparison. The picture of Lander on the bouncy chair is old... he's a bit bigger now, but the comparison is still pretty dramatic!

This one is for the band - Rosa in her guitar jammies.

Rosa in her new tiger (grrrr!) tshirt from Uncle Adam.

And a typical shot of Rosa, doing several things at once. She immediately zeroed in on a baby once I set her down to do my shopping.

My big girl by the Mission Pool.

Daddy giving Rosa a giraffe ride in Dolores Park.
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