Back in August still - this was a momentous day because it was the first day we tried the big girl swing! Rosa loves to swing, it's her favorite playground activity. The baby (bucket) swings are so much easier, but it was pretty cool seeing her balance in the big girl swing! What a long way we've come since the first ride in the swing...
Jeff wanted to get a picture of us in some beautiful evening sunlight that was pouring into our apartment. The great light our place got was one of the things that made it so hard to find a new place that we liked as much as the old place (although it was just too small!).
Lenny and Lin's twins (Lyla and Lander) were almost 3 months old in this picture. Lyla is in Lenny's arms, Lander is still in the stroller. We all went out for lunch.
The virtuoso, about to take a bow, after a concert to a packed house!

yay!!! the blogging is back!!!