Monday, November 9, 2009

No no no no no no no...

Jumping out of order for a moment, today is the day that the "no no no's" began. I've heard that this stage happens, but I hope it doesn't last too long! Rosa had been shaking or nodding her head for no or yes for a while, but today, she added "no no no no no" to the shaking, and seemed to really enjoy the effect. I told her some pretty strong "No's" to tell her to stay away from the kitty food, and this time she just said "no no no no no" and kept right on picking it up and almost getting it to her mouth.

This month also seems to be "Mama" month. Although she said Mama before Dada (way back in January!), she has been saying Dada a LOT more until just recently. And now she is seeming to enjoy saying Mama. ...and sometimes even pointing at me while she says it, over and over. I saw my friend Alison's son Angelo (who's a few months older than Rosa) in this repeating phase, and I think Rosa is just starting into it. It is pretty cute, although can definitely grow repetitive. And don't worry, Rosa is still saying Dada a lot too. It is such a relief when Jeff finally gets home from work. Until then, from late afternoon on, every noise Rosa hears that sounds like it might be a new presence in the house (outside noise or noise from the downstairs neighbors), Rosa stops what she's doing (eating, etc.), bolts upright and sings out "Dada!"

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