I got the call from Jeff (home with both girls) tonight that started, "First, everyone is ok. We're going to the hospital because..." Because Rosa was hanging from Eliza's clip-on high chair and pulled the table over on her head. With Eliza in the chair. Yes - all true. And everyone is fine. Eliza walked away without a scratch, and Rosa has a bruise and lump on her cheek. After pulling a table over, some piece of which landed on her head. And none of the glasses that were on the table broke. Amazing. All while I was driving to band. I of course turned around and drove to the hospital where everyone was in high spirits. I think Rosa is trying to tie my record of 4 sets of stitches - in the head - before age 5. Sorry, didn't manage to snap any pictures of tonight's events. The girls looked cute in the matching hospital bracelets. Oh, and we will evaluate the effects of these events on Rosa's ability to refrain from future hanging on the clip-on chair. If she seems like she might possibly be tempted to do it again, yes, we will get Eliza a different high chair.
What else... I'm backlogged on reporting Eliza milestones because I still don't know how to get pictures of my phone. And here's why. I had mastitis this weekend. Ugh. Severe shaking and fever spikes, seriously painful breast, and now unknown future of milk supply. Not fun.
But back to Eliza. In the past week, she has started clapping, then inch-worming, then pulling up to standing, then crawling, as of today. I think the clapping started in earnest last Thursday (will see date if I can ever get that video off my phone). Now she claps any time I clap and say "yay!" She claps when she eats. She claps when she wakes up. She claps when I close the door and say "night night." She claps when Rosa gets her all excited. It seems to be the go-to reaction to everything these days. Very cute.
Then the next day, we noticed she was definitely making forward locomotion. Not gracefully, but undeniably. She would get up on her hands and feet, lunge forward, sit up, and repeat. Then yesterday, I had the computer open on the couch, and boy did she want it, so with all her might, she grabbed the piping on the couch cushion and pulllllllled herself up, and voila! She was standing, all by herself. Then today, she finally found her knees, and is doing real crawling. Lots going on in that little noggin these days!
And on that note, I sign off. I promise some pictures soon
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Rosa's 3rd birthday and July 4th
The last month or so has had some big events, most importantly Rosa's 3rd birthday! As usual, I'll let the pictures do the talking:
Some random (and cute) harmonica playing.
We had all of Rosa's presents (from us and the relatives) waiting for her when she woke up. She knows what presents are all about!
Rosa and some friends playing in the sand after a Bernal Bambinos event on Rosa's birthday morning... just a cute picture.

Eliza was there too.

On Rosa's birthday, we had pizza for lunch in a restaurant with Ember and Paxton and their families. After this birthday pizza lunch ended, Rosa informed us that the dress she was wearing was called a Pizza Dress. Indeed it was!

Here are two more portraits from the Rosa portrait gallery:
Her rocking horse, Cinnamon
and her baby sister, Eliza.

Here's Rosa's birthday party, which was actually the day after her birthday. This is the kids doing a bean bag toss. They made the "bean bags" earlier in the day by filling socks with sand. I think this was more fun than the actual bean bag toss!

The Happy Birthday song. It was so windy at that point we didn't even try to light candles.
Eliza and Baby Macy were born 1 day apart!

Lin, Lyla and Lander. They've gotten so big!

Eliza is now spinning in all directions and scooting backwards. She wasn't so happy when she got herself stuck under Rosa's crib. And as is usually the case when Eliza does something that gets attention from Jeff and I, Rosa had to follow suit and do what Eliza did.

Right before our camping trip, Eliza was covered in baby food and I think Rosa had gotten pretty dirty and sticky that day, so I decided they needed a bath. The quickest way of course was to do them together, so they took their first sisters-together bath!

We went camping in a wonderful county park called Memorial Park. We were taking a little hike to the swimming hole that turned out to be more adventurous than Yvette and I expected! Thankfully Eliza (under the polka-dot blanket) slept through it all (and I didn't slip!).

Here's our beautiful campsite. I love this park!

Jeff made a spiral in the sand and Rosa and Paxton walked it like a meditation labyrinth.

When we got back from camping, we took the girls to their first July 4th fireworks show. The city fireworks were pretty far away, but there were volunteer fireworks all over the place! We had let her nap that day from 4-6pm (a very late nap!) so she could stay up for the fireworks. I guess we sort of overshot, because she didn't go to sleep until midnight that night. Sigh. Tired Mommy and Daddy, excited girl!
Some random (and cute) harmonica playing.
The night before Rosa's birthday.
We had all of Rosa's presents (from us and the relatives) waiting for her when she woke up. She knows what presents are all about!
Rosa and some friends playing in the sand after a Bernal Bambinos event on Rosa's birthday morning... just a cute picture.

Eliza was there too.

On Rosa's birthday, we had pizza for lunch in a restaurant with Ember and Paxton and their families. After this birthday pizza lunch ended, Rosa informed us that the dress she was wearing was called a Pizza Dress. Indeed it was!

Here are two more portraits from the Rosa portrait gallery:
Her rocking horse, Cinnamon

Here's Rosa's birthday party, which was actually the day after her birthday. This is the kids doing a bean bag toss. They made the "bean bags" earlier in the day by filling socks with sand. I think this was more fun than the actual bean bag toss!

The Happy Birthday song. It was so windy at that point we didn't even try to light candles.
Eliza and Baby Macy were born 1 day apart!

Lin, Lyla and Lander. They've gotten so big!

Eliza is now spinning in all directions and scooting backwards. She wasn't so happy when she got herself stuck under Rosa's crib. And as is usually the case when Eliza does something that gets attention from Jeff and I, Rosa had to follow suit and do what Eliza did.

Right before our camping trip, Eliza was covered in baby food and I think Rosa had gotten pretty dirty and sticky that day, so I decided they needed a bath. The quickest way of course was to do them together, so they took their first sisters-together bath!

We went camping in a wonderful county park called Memorial Park. We were taking a little hike to the swimming hole that turned out to be more adventurous than Yvette and I expected! Thankfully Eliza (under the polka-dot blanket) slept through it all (and I didn't slip!).

Here's our beautiful campsite. I love this park!

Jeff made a spiral in the sand and Rosa and Paxton walked it like a meditation labyrinth.

When we got back from camping, we took the girls to their first July 4th fireworks show. The city fireworks were pretty far away, but there were volunteer fireworks all over the place! We had let her nap that day from 4-6pm (a very late nap!) so she could stay up for the fireworks. I guess we sort of overshot, because she didn't go to sleep until midnight that night. Sigh. Tired Mommy and Daddy, excited girl!

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