Two weeks ago ended with a super fun birthday party... 3 hours of jumpy castle with breaks only to suck down apple juice - 4 boxes worth in the end. Then in the car on the way home, we all got to see that apple juice again, if you know what I mean.
Then, after a relatively uneventful week, Rosa got the croup last Saturday at 12:30 in the morning. She didn't have any signs of any sickness when she went to bed, then woke up coughing like a barking seal and couldn't draw in a breath in between coughs. She was scared and we were scared, so Jeff took her to the hospital. Once she got the steroid and started breathing easier, I dare say she enjoyed her ER visit! Here she is playing "Rosa astronaut."

When she got home at 2:30am, she was feeling much better, although still wheezy. She said, "Mommy, is it morning? Can I go play in the playroom?" Thankfully she did fall asleep eventually. And that night was the only really bad one. She's been much better since, but still has the runniest nose this side of the the Mississippi.
And then this week, Rosa has started wearing panties! She has made ALL her #1s and #2s in the potty, with practically NO resistance! Hooray! I will spare you all the pictures of her proud moments.
And finally, our most recent family picture, taken by Making Dinner drummer, Zarah Gamaldi!

It was out at Ocean Beach after a day of filming for the band's next video (not finished yet). For a good chuckle, check out our two most recent videos at
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