I'll start this post with a cute picture, with no particular story to tell about it:

A couple weeks ago, Rosa was doing a lot of talking about "the forest" and often "the tigers that live in the forest." So I decided we should all go to Muir Woods before the summer tourist season starts and it becomes impossible to park within miles of the park. When we arrived, I settled in to nurse Eliza. Jeff just missed a picture of Rosa and I sitting at opposite ends of this bench, both nursing our babies.

But he did manage to catch us both carrying our babies on our tummies!

Jeff and Rosa by the slice of redwood that began it's life in 900AD and fell down in the 1930s.

Beautiful, huge trees.

Rosa and Jeff lay down on the path and looked up at the patterns of the branches. Several people stopped and took pictures of them. I think they wanted to lay down and gaze up at the branches too!

Here's the littlest Miss on the ride home, clutching her Sophie the Giraffe. It reminded me of a picture I had taken of Rosa, what seems like so long ago!

(Rosa: 12/7/08)

Back to the present, Eliza has started solids! (Well, they're still pretty soupy, but it's the first step in the process!) We started with rice cereal, then last week she had avocado. I think tomorrow we'll start banana. She seems to like eating from a spoon!

Here's the girls doing a tandem ride in the swing! Probably won't be able to do this too much longer.

Miss Rosa Bosa at a birthday party... yummy chocolate cupcake!

A classic Rosa self-shot. You have no idea how many photos like this now populate my iPhoto. Someday I'll make a collage of them...

Last weekend we took a trip up to Sacramento. Our first stop was visiting Jeff's friends Catherine and Anthony. Catherine is a great bedtime story reader!

Rosa - in motion - at the playground right across the street from Catherine's house.

The next day we took a ride on an excursion train for Rosa's friend Peter's 3rd birthday.

Back at home, the next night two of Rosa's buddies had dinner at our house. It was an exciting night! It is pretty much impossible to get three 3-yr olds to look at a camera at the same time.

A timeless classic - kids jumping on Mom and Dad's bed! I was sort of floored to hear Jeff telling them to do that!
Thanks for the candy necklaces, Uncle Greg!

Two more videos of my adorable children:
Eliza has discovered the other baby in the mirror...
These two have started a band!