Here's our daredevil on the rocking horse Papa Misha bought at the church rummage sale.
Rosa and Papa Misha in the Miata ("car with no roof" to Rosa) during trip to Ohio. Too bad I don't have any more pictures from this part of the trip!

The cool lifeguards on the beach in Rhode Island.

Three Luszcz men.

Nana Anita got Rosa a lobster cupcake! (just frosting!)

Rosa and Daddy on Papa Frank's boat

Rosa got to drive!

Rosa's first experience in the ball maze at the neighboring town's seafood festival.

Rosa's first time watching fireworks!

Rosa and Papa Frank at lunch. She now knows how to keep her feet off the table!

The mosquitos were wicked to Rosa. And she reacts so strongly to them - she had like 20 of these welts by the time we got home - yikes! Had to put cortizone cream on them to make the swelling go down.

Polka is in Rosa's genes.
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