Saturday, January 23, 2010


We are finally relatively back on track after some pretty major sleeping disruptions following our holiday travels. Thank goodness! Now we can focus on the good stuff, which for a 19-month old is playing with other toddlers. I don't think there's anything else more captivating to Rosa right now than being with other little people. We had a playdate at our house 2 Fridays ago, which was loads of fun. There were 5 toddlers and a 10-mo old baby, who was fascinated by all the kids romping around. Amazingly, they all held perfectly still while we put them on the couch for this picture!

This is Peter, of kissing video fame, and Ember in the background. Rosa remembers both of their names and calls them out a lot.

Here's a little video, just to give a taste of the level of distraction in a small room with a bunch of toddlers.

This week is the California Academy of Sciences playdate - should be fun!

In addition to playdates, we've been trying to get out to do interesting different stuff. One morning we went to a wonderful, free children's museum that has live animals, all of which had been injured and couldn't survive on their own in the wild anymore. Rosa especially loved a cage with 2 giant crows or ravens. I had to watch that they didn't take any nibbles of her finders which she wanted so badly to stick in their cage. Here's Rosa learning what sound raccoons make.

We also have been going to rec centers to meet other new kids and play with new toys. Crazy driver on the loose!

And back at home, Jeff and I finally managed to get Rosa a Christmas present, which was a tricycle. Many "oooooohs!" were heard after she came out of her room after her nap and found it in the living room.

Here she is on her maiden voyage. She can reach the pedals, but is still not quite sure what to do with them. Luckily there's a handle!

And finally, here's a few more cute pictures, just because they're cute.

Rosa clomping through the house in Mama's shoes.

Another picture from the same day of the Peter and Rosa kissing video. Peter pulled Rosa around in his wagon so nicely. When he was done, he climbed in the wagon, but Rosa had moved on to other things. So I gave Peter a ride in his wagon.
Rosa still LOVES buckles and can pretty much always get them snapped now. She got herself snapped into Daddy's backpack, but it was too heavy for her to go anywhere.


  1. Cara is still friends with one of her original playdate buddies - we started meeting when she was about 9 months,and they are both 20 now! And at the time, I thought the playdates were mostly for the moms. You just never when something will get started....

  2. Rosa

    The picture of you and the gang that couldn't shoot straight is terrific. Now tell the truth, did someone put something extra in the jello before that picture was taken? Your bike is wonderful and you look like you're going to be a biker. You never forget your first bike.
    Love, Uncle Greg
