This is a special message to all the relatives: When we moved, I lost the list I had made of who wanted what studio pictures we had taken when Rosa was one year old. I know these are woefully old now, but I think it is still worth sending them to you. So I am posting the pictures here - please take a look and email me a list of the numbers for which ones you want and what size (4x6 or 5x7 for the rectangles, the squares are currently 6x6). Please feel free to ask for as many as you want - they are cheap to print.
And by the way, if you are a friend and are actually reading this blog and want copies of any pictures, I'll be happy to print them for you too! Just send me an email.
Here they are:
Friday, January 29, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
We are finally relatively back on track after some pretty major sleeping disruptions following our holiday travels. Thank goodness! Now we can focus on the good stuff, which for a 19-month old is playing with other toddlers. I don't think there's anything else more captivating to Rosa right now than being with other little people. We had a playdate at our house 2 Fridays ago, which was loads of fun. There were 5 toddlers and a 10-mo old baby, who was fascinated by all the kids romping around. Amazingly, they all held perfectly still while we put them on the couch for this picture!

This is Peter, of kissing video fame, and Ember in the background. Rosa remembers both of their names and calls them out a lot.

Here's a little video, just to give a taste of the level of distraction in a small room with a bunch of toddlers.
This week is the California Academy of Sciences playdate - should be fun!
In addition to playdates, we've been trying to get out to do interesting different stuff. One morning we went to a wonderful, free children's museum that has live animals, all of which had been injured and couldn't survive on their own in the wild anymore. Rosa especially loved a cage with 2 giant crows or ravens. I had to watch that they didn't take any nibbles of her finders which she wanted so badly to stick in their cage. Here's Rosa learning what sound raccoons make.

We also have been going to rec centers to meet other new kids and play with new toys. Crazy driver on the loose!
And back at home, Jeff and I finally managed to get Rosa a Christmas present, which was a tricycle. Many "oooooohs!" were heard after she came out of her room after her nap and found it in the living room.
Here she is on her maiden voyage. She can reach the pedals, but is still not quite sure what to do with them. Luckily there's a handle!

And finally, here's a few more cute pictures, just because they're cute.
Rosa clomping through the house in Mama's shoes.

Another picture from the same day of the Peter and Rosa kissing video. Peter pulled Rosa around in his wagon so nicely. When he was done, he climbed in the wagon, but Rosa had moved on to other things. So I gave Peter a ride in his wagon.
Rosa still LOVES buckles and can pretty much always get them snapped now. She got herself snapped into Daddy's backpack, but it was too heavy for her to go anywhere.

This is Peter, of kissing video fame, and Ember in the background. Rosa remembers both of their names and calls them out a lot.

Here's a little video, just to give a taste of the level of distraction in a small room with a bunch of toddlers.
This week is the California Academy of Sciences playdate - should be fun!
In addition to playdates, we've been trying to get out to do interesting different stuff. One morning we went to a wonderful, free children's museum that has live animals, all of which had been injured and couldn't survive on their own in the wild anymore. Rosa especially loved a cage with 2 giant crows or ravens. I had to watch that they didn't take any nibbles of her finders which she wanted so badly to stick in their cage. Here's Rosa learning what sound raccoons make.

We also have been going to rec centers to meet other new kids and play with new toys. Crazy driver on the loose!
And back at home, Jeff and I finally managed to get Rosa a Christmas present, which was a tricycle. Many "oooooohs!" were heard after she came out of her room after her nap and found it in the living room.
Here she is on her maiden voyage. She can reach the pedals, but is still not quite sure what to do with them. Luckily there's a handle!

And finally, here's a few more cute pictures, just because they're cute.
Rosa clomping through the house in Mama's shoes.

Another picture from the same day of the Peter and Rosa kissing video. Peter pulled Rosa around in his wagon so nicely. When he was done, he climbed in the wagon, but Rosa had moved on to other things. So I gave Peter a ride in his wagon.

Rosa still LOVES buckles and can pretty much always get them snapped now. She got herself snapped into Daddy's backpack, but it was too heavy for her to go anywhere.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Christmas Part 2 - Ohio
The second part of our Christmas travels was to Ohio to see Grandma, Grandpa, and Tanti Kira. Highlights of this visit included Rosa deciding to call Grandpa "Papa," going sledding in the snow, more wonderful Christmas presents ("Oooooohh!"), and Papa's 70th birthday party. As she had done at Grandma Judy's house, Rosa definitely understood everyone's name and could point to each person by name, even if her pronunciation needed a little translation.
Rosa got Tanti Kira to play "UFO" with her, zooming around in the kitty bed. This is Rosa's favorite game at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Every time the game stops, Rosa cries out "Moi!" (More!)

Tanti Kira got this jingly hip scarf for Mama, but Rosa sure liked wearing it!

I remember a picture of me standing in my high chair at my Grandma and Grandpa's house when I was about the same age. The high chairs change, the kids don't!

Rosa, Monkey, and Papa!

Grandma and Grandpa's crazy kitty Smoky Joe watches out the window while the neighbors across the street set off firecrackers on New Years Eve. Thankfully Rosa didn't wake up!

One night after dinner, Rosa was joined under the dining room table by Mama (left) and Grandma (right).

Rosa loved getting sled rides! This was my mom's sled when she was a little girl.

Run faster Daddy!

Back inside after sledding.

We had a nice visit with Alison and Angelo. They shared goldfish and germs!

Grandma and Rosa!

Uh oh... Rosa got the crazy smile gene from Mama.

Rosa was a big girl at Papa's birthday party and spent most of the time at the table in a big girl chair (too much excitement to sit in a high chair!).

Papa - the birthday boy!

At Papa's party - our dancing, whirling princess...
Rosa got Tanti Kira to play "UFO" with her, zooming around in the kitty bed. This is Rosa's favorite game at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Every time the game stops, Rosa cries out "Moi!" (More!)

Tanti Kira got this jingly hip scarf for Mama, but Rosa sure liked wearing it!

I remember a picture of me standing in my high chair at my Grandma and Grandpa's house when I was about the same age. The high chairs change, the kids don't!

Rosa, Monkey, and Papa!

Grandma and Grandpa's crazy kitty Smoky Joe watches out the window while the neighbors across the street set off firecrackers on New Years Eve. Thankfully Rosa didn't wake up!

One night after dinner, Rosa was joined under the dining room table by Mama (left) and Grandma (right).

Rosa loved getting sled rides! This was my mom's sled when she was a little girl.

Run faster Daddy!

Back inside after sledding.

We had a nice visit with Alison and Angelo. They shared goldfish and germs!

Grandma and Rosa!

Uh oh... Rosa got the crazy smile gene from Mama.

Rosa was a big girl at Papa's birthday party and spent most of the time at the table in a big girl chair (too much excitement to sit in a high chair!).

Papa - the birthday boy!

At Papa's party - our dancing, whirling princess...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Christmas Part 1 - Long Island
Going backwards in time again, to get caught up to the present.
We spent the first part of our Christmas travels with Jeff's mom in Long Island. They had some crazy snow - very unusual!!! - just before we got there, so the first few days were a winter wonderland. By the time we left, it had all melted. We had a lovely time with Judy, Aly, and Ish. Even tonight (3 weeks later), Rosa was still saying all of their names (especially Ish!).
Jeff always takes a picture in front of the Sag Harbor movie theater. This is the first one where he has a buddy with him!

Family picture - everyone is looking at the camera!

Christmas card pictures - handmade by the little artist herself.

Glad I got Rosa a snow suit for the trip. It was cold!

Aunt Aly and Uncle Ish

We made a snow man. It was PERFECT packing snow. Rosa called the snowman "baby." Of course!

The mittens I got Rosa didn't stay on, but somehow my gloves did.

Ish's daughter Brooke and Rosa had a wonderful time together.

A few days later it was still chilly, but not wintery anymore. Judy and Rosa match!

Our little family.

Rosa and Daddy are cut from the same cloth.

Beautiful Long Beach.

Jeff's cousin Sarah came to visit one night. I think I'm trying to get Rosa to look at the camera... or else I'm saying "Heal!"

Christmas dinner was yummy!

We spent the first part of our Christmas travels with Jeff's mom in Long Island. They had some crazy snow - very unusual!!! - just before we got there, so the first few days were a winter wonderland. By the time we left, it had all melted. We had a lovely time with Judy, Aly, and Ish. Even tonight (3 weeks later), Rosa was still saying all of their names (especially Ish!).
Jeff always takes a picture in front of the Sag Harbor movie theater. This is the first one where he has a buddy with him!

Family picture - everyone is looking at the camera!

Christmas card pictures - handmade by the little artist herself.

Glad I got Rosa a snow suit for the trip. It was cold!

Aunt Aly and Uncle Ish

We made a snow man. It was PERFECT packing snow. Rosa called the snowman "baby." Of course!

The mittens I got Rosa didn't stay on, but somehow my gloves did.

Ish's daughter Brooke and Rosa had a wonderful time together.

A few days later it was still chilly, but not wintery anymore. Judy and Rosa match!

Our little family.

Rosa and Daddy are cut from the same cloth.

Beautiful Long Beach.

Jeff's cousin Sarah came to visit one night. I think I'm trying to get Rosa to look at the camera... or else I'm saying "Heal!"

Christmas dinner was yummy!

Grandma Judy reading a book to Rosa on Rosa's favorite subject!
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