Sunday, December 6, 2009

what does the piggy say?

Rosa's new words in the past 2 or 3 days: Eink eink (for oink oink), toes, and two. She even said (with some prompting from me) "two shoes." I think this is her first phrase. Language is so exciting for all involved!

Another new little dinner time game: Yesterday at dinner somehow Jeff interpreted some of her gestures to mean she wanted him to take his shirt off. It was a little cold, but Jeff did it to make her happy and hope to get another couple bites in. Rosa thought this was a riot and squealed with delight. Then Jeff started pantomiming a bodybuilder and making muscles. More delight. I told Jeff I didn't think this was the greatest idea unless he wanted to do it every night, but she was enjoying it so much he went ahead anyway. Guess what Rosa wanted tonight - yes more shirtless muscle-making. I can just see us being out to lunch or dinner somewhere and her throwing a fit waiting for Daddy to take his shirt off. How do we get ourselves into these situations?!?


  1. ahhahahahaahaaaahahaaa!!!!! did this happen last night when the band was over for dinner????


  2. no - I have sort of forbid Jeff from turning this into a habit. It's a week later, though, and she still asks for it!
