There are so many ways to play with a box!

To make up for the last post that had no pictures, here is some more Rosa eye-candy.
Rosa and Mommy at Lenny and Lin's twins' baby shower. Rosa is wearing her stripey outfit from Grandma Lois and Grandpa Misha, complete with matching dolly. Everyone at the party was AMAZED by the cuteness!

The next day was Mother's Day - my first! - and we spent it with my mom's group having a picnic at a park. While I was getting Rosa's carseat in the car, Rosa was showing Daddy how to drive. (Wearing her cute stripey outfit again!)

At the park...

Uncle Jason had an ESPN trip to San Francisco and stopped in to see his favorite niece!

The next weekend rolled around and it was HOT!

cute, cute, cute, cute, cutecutecute!