Tuesday, April 28, 2009

GIrl in a box, sheep in a bucket

We've had the spectrum of summer and winter in the last week, with 100 degree (at least in the apartment!) days eventually giving way to the usual San Francisco fog and chilliness. Thanks to Paul and Tara for the beautiful little sundress... who knew that she would be wearing it in April?! Everyone at the park, where we went for some relief from the hot apartment, was wowed by her cuteness in it. Here's the whole fandamily, smiling with their mouths open!

We get a delivery of vegetables from a local farm every 2 weeks, and after I had unpacked the box, I left it on the kitchen floor while I made Rosa and myself some lunch. When I looked down, to my shock, Rosa was sitting ON the box at first. She looked a little precarious, so I helped pushed the flaps inward, which basically lowered her down INTO the box. I just let her hang out there for a little bit. Once she started chewing on the cardboard flap, I helped her OUT of the box. If she could talk, it would have been a preposition lesson.

Jeff is fantastic with making up ways to play with Rosa. He is the one who discovered that she can't bear to leave you covered up in the big red silk scarf - she comes rushing over to pull it off of you any time you cover your face with it. Similarly, she can't bear to have her little lamb covered by her new red bucket (thanks for the bucket, Becky - she loves putting her toys in and taking them out of the bucket! More prepositions!). Watch and see!

Finally, here are a couple pix from the rec center with Rosa's pal Izzy and Izzy's mom Sarah, from our birth prep class.


  1. Grandma and grandpa's charmer!..

  2. Man, that kid just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Also, I love the open mouth smiling parents. Mike and I have a zillion pictures like that. It is so funny when you're smiling so big because you want her to!

  3. I may look back and say someday that girl in a box is my favorite edition of "The Adventures". As Edd(Kookie)Bynes would say "Rosabean, you are the ginchiest"
