On the eve of my third babysitting gig with Rosapants, I'm up and too excited to sleep! So I'd better get this report out of my second day of babysitting with Rosa cuz there'll be more to come tomorrow. Poor Mama's got to go back to the dentist again. Below is what I told the band almost a month ago!
The Rosa Report, February 24, 2009
Hello Bandmates,
Too bad, again, you were not there for the awesomeness that is babysitting Rosa!!! I mean, Katie was there for some of the time,
Mama Katie that is, not C-Note. So, again, the action began with the "waking-from-the nap" procedure. Before heading over, I reflected on how the first babysitting day may have been beginner's luck that Rosa didn't cry and hoped it wouldn't all go downhill. But when I leaned over the crib after hearing Rosa wake up (just as Mama Katie scooted out the front door) I just saw a
smiling baby, all dressed in her sweater, on her back with her footsies up in the air, ready to play. Her clothes weren't even ruffled up a bit from her nap! And, there was no questioning look this time as I reached in the crib to smoosh her belly and see if she's really ready to get up and PLAY!
Update from last babysitting day: now Rosa has an awesome new play mat, of foam puzzle pieces with alphabet letters that pop out. We sat down on the "L" and "S" and there was more smooshing (of cheeks, tummy, and toes-ies) and big smiles. Rosa can pull herself up and balance on her feet a bit sturdier than last time. When I sat on the couch and rapidly tilted her backwards she got the butterflies in her tummy with even bigger smiles and got all giggly during my favorite part when I say "again?" and take in a deep loud breath so she knows the big ride is coming again. I love seeing her big smile of anticipation.
So, there was no crying again today!!! And my luck held out as I unwrapped Rosa's diaper (with a reminder call from Mama) to find only liquids!!! No solids!!! Woo hoo!!!
We hit up the park. Rosa must know it's fun times ahead when getting buckled up in her riding seat. Cuz, yup, all smiles again! We rolled to the park at the end of the block and had some swing time, some sandbox time, some walking on the bridge time, some railroad train time with smooching sand off the dining car table, and then some more sandbox time, then finally we needed a break and rejuvenation so we had some bottle time. Me holding and trying to block the sun from Rosa's eyes, and Rosa drinking, but sharing some of the milk with her sweater.
Just then, Mama Katie called to say she was on her way to meet us. In a few minutes, Katie arrive as Rosa was meeting her new friend Gigi, who's nanny hablar en espanol con nosotros and then Katie recognized baby Alex and ended up doing some awesome mommy-networking for future play dates!

I sat in the shade during the mommy-networking and after we said bye-bye to all the new friends, we went home and I rested while Mama Katie checked Rosa's diaper and said my technique was alright for the earlier
diaper change. Whew! The diaper had stayed on!
There was some other stuff as I tried to make some plans and then got picked up. Anyway, Happy Fat Tuesday Everyone!!! And I hope for more opportunities to write Rosa Babysitting Reports!!!
Smooches, and LTB&B,
P.S. And yes, Bandmates, I am using my time wisely by beginning Rosa's instructions on the drums!!! She's already a natural. Look at that mug-o-confidence on that 7/8 beat!!! Bwahhhahahahahahaha ha!

P.P.S Rosa had carrots and rice for lunch today.
P.P.P.S. Thanks Mama Katie for my babysitting thank you treat!