Rosa asks this question at least 20 times a day. Truly. It's as if her nose has just turned on. Of course, a certain percentage of the time, it's Daddy's farts (sorry - but it's true!). And then there are times when I have no idea what she's talking about. But I do know her smeller works. And she always says it like this: "What's that smay-ell?" Pretty funny.
And what about Eliza... she's a smiley, happy girl. In a nutshell: She's sitting up really well now, eating 2 meals a day, but still only pooping every 4 or 5 days sometimes. The prunes help, but they are no guarantee.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
May 2011 (including a big girl bed!)
It's been another full month! I am finally realizing that my blog entries are less of a journal about milestones and anecdotes, and more of a a series of photos with captions. That's kind of what it turns into when my blog entries are infrequent enough that I rely on the photos to remember what we've been doing the last few weeks.
This picture is of Easter morning. Jeff always says he's never in the pictures, so here's one that proves he was here. Rosa and her friend Mateus colored the eggs (what an adventure that was!), and I baked the Pascha bread.

That morning we did Rosa's first ever Easter Egg hunt at a neighborhood park. It was really fun! Rosa wore pink tights on her head to be bunny ears. Her friend Ember wore an egg hat. The moms wore new babies.
Rosa, complete with bunny ears, purse (to collect eggs), rain pants, and umbrella.
The Easter Bunny was there too! Rosa was brave enough to give him a hug!
Now we've jumped ahead a month to the "Spring Show" at Rosa's daycare. It was wild and fun, as you'll see! Here's Rosa's kitty mask.
Other kids telling about their masks:
"The Robot" dance. This was Jeff's favorite part!
One day at snack time, Rosa gathered all the babies and high chairs she could find in the house. She is eating popcorn (paaaa-corn), which she now eats for afternoon snack every single day.
In early May we took a trip to Pennsylvania for my Aunt Marilyn's memorial service. We also got to see Jeff's grandpa and cousins. It was Great-Grandpa's first time meeting Eliza!
Another of Rosa's self-portraits, which I believe will be in a famous collection someday. She was apparently sad about something just prior to taking the portrait.
As promised, here is a picture of Rosa's first trip to the dentist! I had heard all about kid dentists having videos and other tricks, which this dentist had none of (I was kind of disappointed!). But she was very gentle and good with kids and did a great job explaining what was going on in simple, non-scary ways. She poked, polished, and applied fluoride to all 20 teeth in Rosa's mouth, with perfect cooperation from Rosa... better results that I would have guessed, even with videos!
After Rosa began letting herself out of her crib every morning, and some nights, we decided to take the bars down on the front of the crib, thus converting it to a toddler bed. Rosa had to show us that she could stay in her crib when she went to bed at night for a whole week, and once she did that, we were ready. Here's how it used to look:
The crib is from Ikea, so it comes apart and goes together with Allen wrenches. Rosa helped with all the nuts and bolts and was actually very adept at this.
Then the last part required a Philips-head screwdriver, which she was also good at, thanks to the toolbox set we recently got her.
Here she was, reveling at the coolness of her new biggirl bed! She has done FANTASTICALLY in it ever since! I don't think she has climbed out (or fallen out!) once after going to bed in the 2 weeks that she's been sleeping in it like this. We did add a guard rail, which helps keep her from falling out by accident.
Eliza proved to be much happier, not to mention safer, in a clip-on high chair than she had been in the Bumbo chair (little blue chair that sat on the table - see Easter picture), so now she and Rosa are the bookends of our table.
Last weekend we took an awesome trip to a local goat farm! The kids all loved seeing the goats and romping in the grassy field.
Here's Rosa "protecting" Paxton from the goats. She's gotten into the protector role lately...
And here's Rosa, Peter, and Mateus, the Three Musketeers, romping in the grass.
Everyone had to wear "lunchlady hats" to keep their hair contained in the cheese-making room.
And Eliza was there too!
There's Daddy and Eliza holding court in the tasting room.
As if seeing a goat farm wasn't cool enough for one day, we and Ember's family went to a beach on the way home.
It had cool sandstone cliffs.

It was NOT a warm day, mind you, but by the end of it, the girls were enjoying the water, Northern California style.

And then the next day (see what I mean about a busy month!), Jeff took Rosa to the Maker Faire. The Maker Faire is Robotics meets Arts'n'Crafts with some Burning Man mixed in, just to liven things up. I stayed home and took some long naps with Eliza. Jeff and Rosa left home at 10:30 am and got back at 6:30 pm - this was a LONG day for Rosa. This picture sums up my mental picture of what the day was like for Rosa... a little overwhelming!

Here Rosa met some home-made R2D2s. Apparently, the guy had spent 6 years making them in his basement.
And here, the kids were spinning a 9,000 lb rock that was stood on its side with some ball bearings. Apparently there were lots of kids there and lots of neat kid activities.
And on that note, I close. I kind of hope for a calmer June, but am not counting on it!
This picture is of Easter morning. Jeff always says he's never in the pictures, so here's one that proves he was here. Rosa and her friend Mateus colored the eggs (what an adventure that was!), and I baked the Pascha bread.

That morning we did Rosa's first ever Easter Egg hunt at a neighborhood park. It was really fun! Rosa wore pink tights on her head to be bunny ears. Her friend Ember wore an egg hat. The moms wore new babies.

"The Robot" dance. This was Jeff's favorite part!
One day at snack time, Rosa gathered all the babies and high chairs she could find in the house. She is eating popcorn (paaaa-corn), which she now eats for afternoon snack every single day.

It was NOT a warm day, mind you, but by the end of it, the girls were enjoying the water, Northern California style.

And then the next day (see what I mean about a busy month!), Jeff took Rosa to the Maker Faire. The Maker Faire is Robotics meets Arts'n'Crafts with some Burning Man mixed in, just to liven things up. I stayed home and took some long naps with Eliza. Jeff and Rosa left home at 10:30 am and got back at 6:30 pm - this was a LONG day for Rosa. This picture sums up my mental picture of what the day was like for Rosa... a little overwhelming!
Here Rosa met some home-made R2D2s. Apparently, the guy had spent 6 years making them in his basement.
And here, the kids were spinning a 9,000 lb rock that was stood on its side with some ball bearings. Apparently there were lots of kids there and lots of neat kid activities.
And on that note, I close. I kind of hope for a calmer June, but am not counting on it!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Eliza is sitting, Rosa went to the dentist!
No time for uploading pictures this late night, but that will come. Just wanted to use the blog as a diary to jot down a few milestones!
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