She also really liked talking to the sheep! (Most of the sheep were out in the yard, but these few were in the barn. I'm pretty sure they all get to go out and wander around most of the time.)
Then, at the appointed hour, we went to the Easter Egg Hunt. Somewhat strange event. They were blasting old pop music, which was sort of odd. But they did have age-specific jumpy castles, which was great, and also a marionnette show that absolutely captivated Rosa... for a few minutes anyway. They announced that the Easter Egg Hunt would be starting shortly, then did a countdown. 10 - 9 - 8... 3 - 2 - 1! About a million kids descended on a what looked like a decent-sized bit of lawn covered in plastic eggs. But whoosh! All the eggs were gone in literally about 45 seconds. I jumped in a grabbed one (from a kid with about 10 who was going for #11) and put it in front of Rosa. She enjoyed picking it up and opening it. But what an anti-climax. Good thing the giraffes and the sheep were so cool.

We put our toes in!

Rosa spent about 15 minutes pouring sand back and forth from one hand to the other. It was the longest we had seen her sit still and focus on something pretty much ever!

Beach walking with Mama.
Beach walking with Daddy. Daddy is so silly. Who else in the world walks in the ocean in their business shoes and socks. At least Rosa helped him roll his pants up!
This past Saturday was Rosa's buddy Lina's 2nd birthday party. Here's a very short video of everybody dancing.
The party was in Lina's dad's warehouse / workshop. He had built a swing for Lina that hung from the rafters, probably at least two stories high. Rosa LOVED the swing.

And finally, a self-portrait early one morning, not long after waking up.